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Did Youth Ministry Create the Emerging Church?
Tony Jones tells youth ministry profs to blame themselves for the Emerging Church movement they criticize.
Skye Jethani: Love Justifies Itself (Part 1)
The wisdom of John Stott can help us reframe the entrenched debate around social justice & the gospel.
Stay Classy, Willow Creek
Bill Hybels' response to gay activists and Starbucks' Howard Schultz.
Worship Through a Child's Eyes
A 9-year-old's observations from a liturgical and a contemporary service.
The Church is Dead...
...Long Live the Church!
Did Youth Ministry Create the Emerging Church? (Pt. 2)
Why youth ministry is the cause of, and solution to, all of the church's problems.
Obama Endorses Same Sex Marriage--Now What?
3 reasons he did, and where Christians should focus their attention.
Matt Chandler Discusses his Brain Surgery
His perspective as "a guy who could lose everything."
Ministry Lessons From a Muslim
His unexpected message to church leaders: fully embrace your Christian identity.
Church Rater or Church Hater?
Does a new church rating website help or hurt those seeking a congregation?
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